Ruhee Joshi
3 min readOct 24, 2020


Be responsible, be happy

Once in New York, there lived a very rich and beautiful family. The family had three kids and their parents. The children of the family were tremendously witty and intelligent but lacked one thing that was responsible. Their parents always tried to make them realise their nature, but the kids always showed a deaf ear to their parents saying. Katerina the eldest child of the family lost her job, which was a governess because of her imprudent behaviour. After a couple of days, the other two children- Alwin and Stefan too lost their job.

The family soon got necessitous and poor, they had to sell their huge, costly, gorgeous and alluring Bungalow and all the wealth to an opulent merchant. They moved to a small cottage in the woods, the cottage had nothing but a small flickering light and a dusty kitchen to cook. The house had a mud flooring with a big but very thin mat and a blanket. The family which once gaily sat and ate dinner together, now tacitly ate the food, washed their plate and went to sleep.

Once when Katerina was cleaning the ground in front of her cottage, a postman brushed past her dropping a paper. Katerina carefully picked it up and dusted all the sand from it. She then started reading it and it said that a colony near the woods needed a proper maid to cook and clean their houses and that they would pay the lass, five hundred rupees every month, Katerina decided to apply for the job and next morning left to enquire about it. She learnt that there were three houses which needed a maid-servant and the mistresses of the house readily gave her a venture after seeing the lust of enthusiasm in the young lady’s eyes. This time she never took leaves and was very hardworking. She did her job sincerely and from the bottom of her heart. She got paid every month and soon the family got all the basic needs and their condition improved a bit.

Inspired by their elder sister, Alwin and Stefan also decided to search for a job. Finally, the medical shop behind the woods gave them a job as chartered accountants, as they were trained in that field. The three kids worked earnestly and really very hard. They devoted their hundred per cent in their job and whenever they felt like quitting or decamping, they heard a voice in their mind which said that if the history repeats, the condition will also repeat along with it. This voice woke up the hard-working and enthusiastic part of their mind. Slowly the condition started to develop and better days came over. The colony where Katerina worked, got converted into a nursing home and she resumed her job as a governess, she was now handsomely paid every month as well as she even got bonus amount from the parents of the kids she taught for all the dedication and punctuality. The medical shopped was also sold to a very famous and expert surgeon, who metamorphosed the medical shop into a tremendous hospital, where Stefan now worked as a receptionist and Alwin as a chartered accountant.

Now the family was back to their old golden days. After two years when the condition was the best, the kids married and lived as a sweet family happily ever after. Every day before going to bed, the family kneeled down in front of god and thanked him for what had happened to them, because it had taught them a very big and grateful lesson in life.

A note from the author- Dear all, when God gives us some duty we should always fulfil it with dedication and be responsible. Hope you all like the story 💫💫

