Purifying the World.

Ruhee Joshi
2 min readApr 3, 2023


Goddess Hecate, today I wish,

To float gently yonder the golden skies,

Deliver me the keys,

To scatter the potion of harmony,

before it dries.

Oh mother, Achelois,

They say thou washes away all the pain,

I wish I could be like thee,

And remove

all the world’s strain.

Oh, lady Aphrodite,

Thou art the queen of love,

Help me to seek

The box of

smiles and trove.

Oh, Lordess, Persephone,

I sow the seed of peace,

I hope it grows well,

I wish to be as successful as Jason,

who won the golden fleece.

Oh noble, Venus,

Make my artistic hands paint,

An ocean where everyone swims hand in hand,

Bound forever with

the string of affection and quaint.

Oh divine, Euphrosyne,

I want to sprinkle positivity like glitter,

Please guide me through it,

all I pray thee for is to,

make me confident and not stutter.

Oh, good mother Leto,

After I am done and content with myself,

Please welcome and embrace me,

Until tears of satisfaction spill,

And all the evils banish into their dwells.

Image source- google

A/N: Heyya my raspberries!! This time I settled to stretch my writing skills to their peak and decided to explore the greek world. It took me a week to get this poetry to perfection and I m really happy that my first try at Greece poetry and using old English in weaving it came out better than I expected! I hope you all love this piece! ❤❤🍒

Thanks to Thief for inspiring me to write on Greece topics! 🤗✨



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